
Sunday 3 August 2014

Daniel Fast #day1

So today was the start of my fast and as I have NEVER fasted before I really feel like this may be a bit of a struggle for me at first. But I believe that as the weeks go by I will be able to handle it better, after all it's only day 1.

After church the young adults went out for dinner at a cafe and it was so hard for me to just sit there and socialize and NOT eat anything. The only thing I had was some Apple Juice. But I had a few friends that were being JERKS and were teasing me with their wedges and pizza.

When I got home I just went straight to bed, so I didn't eat anything because I can never find myself to eat before I sleep.
It probably was a bit of a silly move not eating last night. But I will quickly learn what to and what not to do.

Month of Prayer and Fasting

Hey everyone. I know I haven't posted a blog in a while but my life has been a little bit CRAZY lately!!!

So I thought that I would blog about my churches prayer and fasting month; Every year in the month of August my church has a month where they fast something and pray pray pray. This year our focus is on relationships. It can be any type of relationship. Our relationship with God, family, friends. Whatever our maim reasons are for fasting we have to make sure that we keep on praying for the whole month which we are fasting.

This year is my first ever year of fasting and in my house we are doing the Daniel Fast. So our fast is pretty much a Vegan diet. We can only really eat fruit and vegetables.  We can eat things like nuts too. And every few days we a taking a break and eating some bread, rice and pasta. This is going to be a massive challenge for me as I never ever eat healthy. But as long as I pray for God to help me out I should be fine.

Another thing which we are fasting at church is some sort of entertainment. I have chosen to fast facebook which will be a MASSIVE MASSIVE challenge for me. But I have instagram and my blog to keep me off FB.

This month will be an interesting one for all of us, especially me. I can't wait to see God move in the church and in everyone's lives. It's going to be great :)

Sunday 22 June 2014

Youth Baptisms

This week at church two lovely girls from the youth group I am a part of got Baptized.  It was an amazing experience for me to watch these two young girls give their lives to Jesus. Getting baptized is a big decision and I am proud of these girls for making the decision to be Christians and follow the life that God has set for them.

I can't wait to see more and more youth kids decide that they want to take the next step and get baptized.  It is a big decision but it is so worth it :)


At church we LOVE giving and raising money for good causes. Especially when it involves helping out countries which are less fortunate than us. This week our churches latest mission was announced to us..

We are aiming to raise over $6,000 to help mothers and babies in Tanzania.  Tanzania is one of those countries who are less fortunate than us and as a result of that they don't have the best health systems. Women who give birth in Tanzania end up becoming sick after they give birth and often their babies are born still birthed. This is because of the lack of medical treatment and the lack of resources these women have access to living in a poor country. 

This money which we are going to raise is going to help some of these women in Tanzania, its going to give them treatment they need whilst being pregnant and during birth. It's going to ensure that there are no complications and that these mothers and babies are healthy after labour.

I know that as a church and as a community we can make this goal achievable. God is great and he works wanders and miracles and I believe that this would be an absolute miracle to these women knowing that they will be gettimg the care they need for them and their children.

Thursday 19 June 2014


Romans 8:24-25 NIV

"For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

To me this scripture means that you shouldn't sit there and keep hoping that a certain something will happen in your life. You just have to use your patience and wait. God will make things happen for you, you just have to wait and eventually things will work out and he will make these things known to you.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Welcome !

Hey my name is Rebekah.  Welcome to my blog!

I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself:

- I am a first gen Australian (born and raised)
- My family background is Irish. And most of my ancestors came from Europe. 
- I'm 20 years of age and I am really starting to feel a tad old even though I know I am still young.
- I am a member of Salt chutch and I have recently started my youth leadership :')
- I got Baptized earlier this year and it was the most amazing experience in my life so far.
- My parents, family and friends mean the world to me and I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.
- One of my favourite things to do in my spare time is taking photos, I love photography. 
- I want to go to university and study some form of Psychology degree so that I can be a counselor and help lots of young people who are struggling with mental health issues.

Happy reading xo